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ElectraNet and Transgrid are partnering
to deliver an energy interconnector
between the power grids of South
Australia and New South Wales, with an
added connection to Victoria

Current status

Construction on Project EnergyConnect is well advanced in NSW and ElectraNet has
completed the more than 200km component of the project in South Australia, from
Robertstown to the South Australian border.

Transgrid and its construction partner Elecnor Australia are getting on with the job of delivering
the 700km NSW section of this nation-critical infrastructure.

Works are well underway on the project’s western alignment and one of the biggest and most
complex substations in the Southern Hemisphere is fast taking shape at Buronga and large
equipment such as power transformers, a phase shifting transformer and two synchronous
condensers have arrived on site.

Construction works are also underway on the project’s eastern alignment including a world-class
substation at Dinawan near Coleambally, NSW.

What is an interconnector?

An electricity interconnector is a connection that allows power to flow between regions in the
National Energy Market, providing access to a larger number of electricity generators.
Interconnectors are common around the world, including here in Australia. Project EnergyConnect involves the construction of a new 330 kilovolt (kV) above ground transmission line, with approximately
800MW transfer capacity. Project EnergyConnect will connect South Australia and New South Wales,
with an added connection to north west Victoria.

Enabling the transition of
Australia's energy network
to a greater mix of

Project EnergyConnect's route passes though renewable energy zones in South Australia,
New South Wales and Victoria. This means future renewable projects in these areas
will be able to connect to the grid and supply new energy into the network.

Forecast Benefits

Project EnergyConnect will deliver a range of direct benefits
for consumers in South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria including
lower power prices, improved energy security and increased economic activity.

Opportunities will also be created for regional communities through job
creation and local procurement during construction and in the longer
term as new energy projects come online.

Downward Pressure on Prices

Energy Security

Increased Economic Activity

Connecting Robertstown in
South Australia and Wagga Wagga
in New South Wales with a
connection to north west Victoria

Approximate total length of 900km

Connecting Robertstown to Wagga Wagga via Buronga
with an added connection to Red Cliffs


The route was selected after undertaking environmental,
social, cultural and engineering studies, delivered by
independent experts and informed by stakeholder and
community feedback. Findings formed part of environmental
and planning assessment processes and engineering design.

Selecting the route

Discussions with landholders

We have met with relevant landholders to discuss
the proposed route. Discussions will be ongoing
as the project moves through the construction
stage, to plan and manage onsite activities.

Environmental and planning

We have undertaken a range of studies as part
of environmental and planning approval processes,
to explore environmental, social, cultural and
engineering considerations.

Community input

We have sought community views from the
outset and will continue to do so and encourage anyone interested in receiving project updates to
sign up here.

Current engagement activities


Australian Energy Regulator
Environmental Impact Statement
National Electricity Rules
Project EnergyConnect

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

The National Electricity Market
(NEM) operates across the eastern
and southern states of Australia,
extending from far north Queensland
to western South Australia





Enabling future renewable energy projects to connect to the electricity grid

The NEM involves wholesale generation that is transported via high voltage transmission lines
from generators to large industrial energy users and to local electricity distributors, who deliver
it to homes and businesses.

Project EnergyConnect is
focused on delivering benefits
for customers, communities
and businesses

We are committed to open and transparent engagement with stakeholders and community members.
Updates will be made available on the Project EnergyConnect website when they are available.

Project EnergyConnect has engaged with the community and stakeholders from its very beginning, keeping people informed and exploring their views to help shape the Project.

We will continue to keep you informed and welcome any questions, comments or feedback you might have.

Contact Project EnergyConnect

For SA and general enquiries,
contact ElectraNet
Phone: 1800 560 577

For NSW and Victoria enquiries,
contact Transgrid
Phone: 1800 49 06 66

Sign up here for regular updates